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(January 25, 2018)
TJ Hoisington and his daughter Kyla Hoisington are currently writing a Swiss family Robinson children’s book. This book is a spinoff from Return to Robinson Island. It consists of Zoe and Katie who go back in time, through a portal, and meet Swiss Family Robinson. In time, Swiss Family Robinson is brought to the future.
Genre: Historical Fantasy
Ages: 10–14 Years Old
Release Date: December 13, 2019
Below is a video describing the forthcoming The Swiss Family Robinson Secret Discovery. Current cover image.

(July 6, 2016)
TJ Hoisington at a book signing.

(October 17, 2015)
TJ Hoisington at Barnes and Noble book signing.

(October 16, 2015)
News Article: Building on a classic: Local author writes a sequel to ‘Swiss Family Robinson’ | Kitsap Weekly

(September 24, 2015)
Press Release: TJ Hoisington writes first Swiss Family Robinson sequel in over one hundred years.
Click here to see Press Release

Additional press releases:
Industry Insiders Say This Book Is The Next Epic Blockbuster Movie
The Next Epic Blockbuster Movie – Return to Robinson Island!
(September 15, 2015)
Before release date, TJ Hoisington received first printing of Return to Robinson Island. TJ is standing at desk in his home bungalow.

(September 15, 2015)
TJ Hoisington received printing of Return to Robinson Island galley before release date.

(November 5, 2014)
TJ Hoisington shares his process for writing a book - Return to Robinson Islands.